
Who am I?

Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★,我是永乐舰长,你既可以叫我永乐舰长,也可以叫我永乐(本名也有这两个字),更可以叫我永乐大帝(明皇陵能冒出烟来)。是一名C++以及C#的游戏程序员,目前在西安工作。爱好主机游戏、骑行以及电吉他。这是我利用业余时间搭建的github博客 希望可以在这里向大家分享更多的技术方面的心得,如果有什么问题也欢迎前往我的github提交Issue探讨。

Ciallo~(∠・ω< )⌒★, Capt.Yongle is here. You can call me Capt.Yongle, Yongle (my true name too) or Emperor Yongle (LOL). I’m a game developer and work in Xi’An at now. Favoriate hobbies are videogames, ride and guitar. This website is my technical blog what I hope to share my knowledge to you. Take issue to my github page is welcome when you have some questions or want to talk about techniques with me.